We’ve all heard the quote; we all know it’s true. But take it one step further; I’m an advocate for accolading. (Is that a word?) So how is that about marketing?
We’ve all heard the quote; we all know it’s true. But take it one step further; I’m an advocate for accolading. (Is that a word?) So how is that about marketing?
I remember in the good ol’ days, the mailman delivered our Reader’s Digest every month, like clockwork. (I lived with my grandparents, in case you were wondering.)
Success in any profession is a combination of luck, opportunity, and follow through. There is a reason for clichés like this one: “I was in the right place at the right time.” (We always forget to add “and I did the right thing.”) This combination of success factors often occurs as the result of obtaining
How to create a lasting professional relationship. Read More »