In the Trenches Part Five
In this blog series, we’ve already explored four break-up negotiations and how they played out after the collaborative facilitators reported on both the clients’ individual and joint goals.
In this blog series, we’ve already explored four break-up negotiations and how they played out after the collaborative facilitators reported on both the clients’ individual and joint goals.
In the first three parts of this series on client goals and interests, we examined the actual reports of three different facilitators to their professional teams at the commencement.
In the first two parts of this series, we’ve explored two different facilitators’ reports on the clients’ goals and interests, and on their individual and couple idiosyncrasies.
When the collaborative facilitator meets with the team’s clients for the first time, usually individually, he asks the clients to describe their goals.
When the collaborative facilitator meets the team’s clients for the first time, usually individually, she asks them to define their goals.
When I was seven years old, I lived in Huntington Beach, California, with my mother, my father, and my three little sisters. (This was all before my parents were divorced.)
One of my favorite books ever (which is saying a lot; I have so many on my list that I’ve got three different lists now!) is a book by a dog. It was a Friday when I had lunch with a girlfriend who said, “You have to read this book . . . .”
I got a phone call early this morning from my court reporter. “That’s unusual!“ I thought, although I was feeling perky so “What’s up?” is what came out of my mouth.
We all suffer from mental blocks at one time or another. What is a “mental block,” you ask? I don’t recall even thinking about that catchphrase since explaining it to my daughter to help her deal with the wall she had hit trying to complete a project for girl scouts, years ago.
I’ve known Brian and his wife, Patrice, far longer than I’ve known his cousin, my husband, Todd, despite that they live in Boca Raton and I reside in Tampa. I was dating a lawyer here in Tampa before I met Todd.