Collaborative Divorce

The Race To The Courthouse

Why am I so excited about collaborative divorce? Because it’s a positive thing, a change for the better! Today, when you consult the average attorney about a divorce, the lawyer’s first thought is to get his petition to dissolve the marriage filed before the other spouse does. It’s always a race to the courthouse, because

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Domestic Violence Victims and The Collaborative Divorce Process

Many collaborative lawyers have informed me that they would never consider attempting the collaborative process if they are aware that there have been domestic violence incidents between the two spouses in question. That attitude strikes me as being close-minded. I can argue that most relationships punctuated by any domestic violence at all can be dissolved

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What To Do If Your Client’s Spouse Is Not Yet Collaborative

If the client’s spouse is not represented by counsel, send a letter to him or her. In it, explain that the client has requested your help in obtaining a divorce and that your client is interested in proceeding by using the collaborative process, and provide the contact information of several collaboratively-trained attorneys. Provide him with

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What To Do If Your Client's Spouse Is Not Yet Collaborative

If the client’s spouse is not represented by counsel, send a letter to him or her. In it, explain that the client has requested your help in obtaining a divorce and that your client is interested in proceeding by using the collaborative process, and provide the contact information of several collaboratively-trained attorneys. Provide him with

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The Collaborative Problem Solving Road Map

The collaborative team guides its clients to work together to solve their problems. To attack problems efficiently, they follow these steps: Step 1: Establish the ground rules. They are: ☞Be polite, patient, and honest. ☞Listen actively without interrupting the speaker. ☞Focus on the future and avoid unnecessary discussions of the past. ☞Focus on resolving conflict

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