Bringing the Magic
I had a case in which I was retained, not for a collaborative matter, but for litigation. (Back then, I still had the reputation for being “an aggressive family law trial attorney.”)
I had a case in which I was retained, not for a collaborative matter, but for litigation. (Back then, I still had the reputation for being “an aggressive family law trial attorney.”)
ChatGPT is an AI Chatbot developed by Open AI. The chatbot has a language-based model that was originally designed for customer service, fine-tuned by the developer for human interaction in a conversational manner.
Artificial Intelligence and Collaborative Divorce Read More »
We’re still looking for Galahad, the ideal knight to join our practice group, and then to succeed into leadership of it, as well as membership on the board of our statewide collaborative organization.
Searching For Galahad (Succession Planning – Part III) Read More »
A long-haired Japanese star just led me to a discovery. The other day, I consulted with two new clients, a husband and wife.
We’re looking for our Galahad, the perfect knight to complete our ideal collaborative team. Someone who can eventually succeed into leadership of our practice group.
Searching For Galahad (Succession Planning – Part II) Read More »
Succession planning entails developing internal people with leadership potential to fill key positions when they become vacant.
Searching For Galahad (Succession Planning – Part I) Read More »
Kim Reed is one of us. She’s been a voice in the wilderness, way out in Panama City, Florida, which is not (yet), shall we say, a “thriving metropolis of collaborative dispute resolution.”
Overheard among a group of middle school boys drinking mochas in a coffeehouse, as one tastes another’s coffee: “That is so ridiculously sweet! That’s like something a five-year-old would make!”
There are many lessons to be gleaned by an adult reading Alice in Wonderland. One especially hit home for me.
Yesterday, I reread Alice in Wonderland, a treasure trove of now-famous quotes, and happened upon this one.