OPL Blog

What To Do If Your Client’s Spouse Is Not Yet Collaborative

If the client’s spouse is not represented by counsel, send a letter to him or her. In it, explain that the client has requested your help in obtaining a divorce and that your client is interested in proceeding by using the collaborative process, and provide the contact information of several collaboratively-trained attorneys. Provide him with

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Closing The Chapter: 13 Tips for Financial Security Post Divorce

There are all kinds of guidelines for recovering emotionally from the dissolution of your marriage. But what about your finances? What steps should you take to safeguard your credit, establish new credit, protect your dependents, etc.? I can tell you horror stories about the errors people have made (or rather the remedial actions they have

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The Collaborative Problem Solving Road Map

The collaborative team guides its clients to work together to solve their problems. To attack problems efficiently, they follow these steps: Step 1: Establish the ground rules. They are: ☞Be polite, patient, and honest. ☞Listen actively without interrupting the speaker. ☞Focus on the future and avoid unnecessary discussions of the past. ☞Focus on resolving conflict

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Collaborative Divorce in the Golden Years

Is divorce in retirement different than for younger couples? And, if so, how? Three of us, one divorce lawyer and two financial neutrals, sat down one day to talk about the issues involved in the typical gray divorce, marriages in which older spouses (“grey-haired) are now splitting up. The questions are interesting, to say the

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