Divorce Advice

A Vital Conversation: Keeping Financial Issues and Divorce at Bay.

One of the leading reasons why couples seek marriage counseling and ultimately divorce is because of financial issues, including disagreements as to how to handle debt and differing spending habits. Financial issues are a huge source of stress for so many. Contrasting spending styles, or simply not having enough money to go around each month, does,

A Vital Conversation: Keeping Financial Issues and Divorce at Bay. Read More »

Is a Kitchen Table Divorce Right For You?

Is the “Kitchen Table” Process Appropriate for Your Divorce? Some couples can resolve their divorce issues by negotiating directly with one another, without professional help. They may be able to reach an agreement easily, draft the necessary paperwork using forms they find on-line, and file it on their own with the court. Could this process

Is a Kitchen Table Divorce Right For You? Read More »

Divorce Advice for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Divorce Advice for the Do-It-Yourselfer Where do you turn to for divorce advice when you’re doing it yourself? In the United Kingdom, legal professionals may be either solicitors or barristers. Solicitors provide legal advice and support to their clients. They prepare paperwork and negotiate matters for their clients. While some may represent their clients in

Divorce Advice for the Do-It-Yourselfer Read More »

Would Moving Out Constitute Abandonment of the Marital Home?

Are you thinking about getting a divorce? Are you worried that if you move out, the Court will conclude that you abandoned the home? That’s a common question that’s often raised in dissolution of marriage cases. Rest assured, just because you relocate does not establish that you’ve abandoned your home. In fact, there’s a presumption

Would Moving Out Constitute Abandonment of the Marital Home? Read More »

Why Hiding Assets is Never a Good Idea

Imagine for a moment that you’re seriously considering divorce. You suddenly remember you have a substantial bonus coming up at work. You’re already angry and resentful after years of accumulated frustrations with your spouse. You know the divorce itself can be expensive. Can you think of creative ways so that your bonus isn’t considered as

Why Hiding Assets is Never a Good Idea Read More »