Collaborative Divorce

The Most Critical Rule in Collaborative Communication

One of the most important tools of a collaborative professional is the ability to communicate well and to understand the communication of others. Most communication is non-verbal. Fifty-five percent of communication is body language: facial expressions, postures, gestures, behaviors, and inferences. Thirty-eight percent is tone and inflection. Only seven percent is an individual’s actual choice

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Tips to Protect Your Real Estate in a Relationship Breakup

Divorce is one of the most stressful events in anyone’s life. Indeed, dissolving any relationship can cause the parties involved an enormous strain, both emotionally and financially. What many don’t realize is that professional and commercial investment partnerships can also be affected by divorce. There is a tendency during the dissolution of a relationship to

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The Worst Way to End a Marriage

Did my headline catch your eye? “The Worst Way to End a Marriage” I lecture often about the horrors of traditional courtroom divorce and compare its negative effects to the positive aspects of cooperative and collaborative divorce. I always tell the story of how my parents were divorced when I was seven years old. “My mother

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4 Reasons and $8.2 million to Choose Collaborative Divorce

High profile divorces don’t have to be. “Kforce leader David Dunkel gives $8.2M in stock to ex-wife in divorce settlement” is splashed across the headlines of The Tampa Bay Business Journal.  The article describes in specific detail the number and value of the shares involved in the divorce judgment, and that it’s pending appeal.  But

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Beginning a Collaborative Divorce – Once Neutrals Are Retained

How does the Collaborative Divorce Process move forward after you’ve chosen your neutral team members? Once the neutrals have been retained for the collaborative divorce process, each client meets with the facilitator to discuss his or her goals, issues, concerns, and relationship history. The facilitator prepares a written report of the interviews for the team

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The Not So Private Life of Michael Moore

Oscar-winning filmmaker Michael Moore, help director of “Bowling for Columbine” and “Fahrenheit 9/11,” prides himself on being a regular guy who often goes after those privileged one-percenters. Strangely, there’s big money in that… although no one ever really knew how much. Well, now they do. Once his traditional courtroom divorce began, it became public record

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