Artificial Intelligence and Collaborative Divorce
Chat GPT is top of the news these days. But what is it and what can it really do?
Chat GPT works by gathering data from the internet and using computing predictions to answer questions and queries inputted by its user. The original data was written by people. The replies the chatbot generates are prompted by textual requests and information, from which the chatbot ‘learns’ more about different subjects and how to discuss them.
ChatGPT is an AI Chatbot developed by Open AI. The chatbot has a language-based model that was originally designed for customer service, fine-tuned by the developer for human interaction in a conversational manner.
But it is used for other purposes, such as writing essays, drafting business plans, and generating code.
Lawyers beware! The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the legal field has grown rapidly, and I have said for years that AI may well replace lawyers in some fields altogether. But when it comes to my area of expertise, collaborative divorce, it is unlikely. Collaborative divorce is a process in which both clients and their respective attorneys work together to reach a mutually beneficial settlement, with a focus on minimizing conflict and avoiding litigation. This requires a high level of communication, trust, and negotiation skill from all people involved on a collaborative team. While AI has the capability to analyze data and make predictions, it does not (yet) have the emotional intelligence or problem-solving skills required for effective negotiation and communication.
In addition, collaborative divorce involves a significant amount of personal interaction among the individuals, both professionals and clients, involved. Participating in face-to-face meetings and conversations about angst-causing topics such as finances, child timesharing and support, and a “fair” division of assets and debts is an essential part of the collaborative divorce process. While AI can assist with document management and analysis, it cannot replace the personal connection and trust that must be established among the clients and their lawyers and the neutral professionals.
Further, the use of AI implicates confidentiality concerns that cannot yet be assuaged. Many clients who choose to collaborate because of their privacy concerns would not use it for this reason alone.
That said, AI can still play a valuable role in the collaborative divorce process. As mentioned, AI can assist with document management, contract review, and the analysis of large amounts of financial data, so long as confidentiality is guaranteed. This can help the professionals save time and the clients to save correspondingly, and help all make better informed decisions, ultimately leading to a more efficient and effective divorce process.
For some things you can use Chat GPT, like creating the initial draft of this blog. For other things you need an expert. If you want a collaborative divorce, retain an expert.
If you’ve decided to end the negative narrative loop and build a new life, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Open Palm Law. We are committed to helping your family heal and reach resolutions, regardless of the result you intend, or which process you choose to get you there.
Learn more about collaborative divorce. Follow Open Palm Law.
Need advice now? Contact Joryn!

About this week’s author, Joryn Jenkins.
Joryn, attorney and Open Palm Founder, began her own firm here in Tampa after a 14-year career in law, two of which she served as a professor of law at Stetson University. She is a recipient of the prestigious A. Sherman Christensen Award, an honor bestowed in the United States Supreme Court upon those who have provided exceptional leadership in the American Inns of Court Movement. For more information on Joryn’s professional experience, take a look at her resume.