We know Who Your Next Client Is; Do You?

By Joryn Jenkins

If you’ve studied marketing, you already know you should have identified an avatar, the perfect client. You already know the value of focusing your marketing efforts on this perfect client. You know his or her age, sex, lifestyle, etc. This is the person to whom you speak when you present, to whom you write when you post, and to whom you publish when you print.

Our avatar client at Open Palm Law is a 45-year-old woman. She’s employed and her family’s income is over $250,000 per year. She has two children and an extended family she cares about, her net worth is over $1,000,000, and she has reached a point in her life when she no longer wants to be partnered with her spouse.

Is she the only client we serve? No, of course not!!!

We know that, if we target our marketing to her, and if all our messaging speaks to her, those messages will also resonate with others who will then seek our services. And we will be referred by everyone who cares about someone else who wants a divorce. These folks will give our contact information their friends and loved ones.

One of the key reasons our Collaborative Toolkit is so powerful is because it is chock-full of the steps needed to create a successful marketing campaign. Here is what one collaborative attorney, Nancy Sponseller in Columbus, Ohio, had to say about my toolkit workshop.

The training last Friday was indeed a WOW, WOW, WOW. I have had a number of follow-up communications, and we had our monthly practice group luncheon yesterday, so this was a hot topic. The one immediate “development” from your training, as I see it, is that we have members now stepping up to volunteer to do various marketing tasks that never have done so in the past. And, overall, people are simply excited to promote/market the collaborative practice–including doing a pro bono project. We have much to work on in the days and months ahead, and I do believe our members see that we each individually and collectively ALWAYS need to be doing something to market. I again encourage you to keep on giving these trainings. Change will occur one training at a time. Together we are changing the way the world gets divorced! And, actually, only together can we change the way the world gets divorced.

Russell Adkins, a collaborative lawyer in Sharon, Pennsylvania, shared this:

Great, thank you so much for everything. Especially in my community, there is an inexplicable reluctance to market and network. Thank you for demonstrating what can come from just getting a little outside one’s comfort zone. I’ve resolved to pitch to each and every new prospective client, and I suspect the results will be immediate. I owe it to my clients to ensure that they’re aware of a way to get divorced without destroying their family and their finances – if I don’t tell them, who will? Certainly not the pure litigators. FYI, I pitched in a crowded barbershop on Saturday morning, and I began training my assistant to pitch this morning. So, it begins…

Don’t get me wrong; the toolkit is not magic (although I’ll agree all day long that collaborative practice is magic!) Finding success in marketing is a step-by-step process. And, while I must agree that it’s work, of a sort, my Collaborative Toolkit makes it easy, staying one step ahead of you, laying out the path, keeping you out of the weeds and the potholes, and helping you to grow your practice with the clients you want.

I’m so committed to supporting my fellow collaborative professionals that I’ll even let you pay for it over time. And, if you follow my program and you don’t generate more in fees than you spent on my Collaborative Toolkit, I’ll give you your money back.

Partner with me to change the way the world gets divorced; refer to this email when you contact my assistant, Austin, to start your journey and he’ll provide you with a coupon code for a $1,000 discount!

Assume your role as a Collaborative Champion today! Let’s change the way the world gets divorced, together. If you’d like to learn more about how to become a Collaborative Champion, buy my toolkit or attend my training! You can reach me at Joryn@OpenPalmLaw.com.

And for more on how to profitably market your practice, find me at Your Collaborative Marketing Coach, because your marketing is my marketing!

Joryn, attorney and Open Palm Founder, began her own firm here in Tampa after a 14-year career in law, 2 of which she served as a professor of law at Stetson University. She is a recipient of the prestigious A. Sherman Christensen Award, an honor bestowed upon those who have provided exceptional leadership to The American Inns of Court Movement. For more information on Joryn’s professional experience, take a look at her resume.

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