If you’ve been keeping up with the Kardashians, then you know that Kim filed for divorce from Kanye West on February 19, 2021. The fall of celebrities is always at least as entertaining as the rise, or at least it is to the public. However, Kardashian and West have managed to keep their divorce proceedings very private. Could this have something to do with their prenuptial agreement?
Before they wed in 2014, both signed a prenuptial agreement delegating what would happen to their assets and property if they ever divorced. This has allowed them to avoid the financial and emotional stress of a court proceeding, because they made those decisions ahead of time, while they still liked each other, and permitted them to focus solely on their parenting plan in their divorce process. Together, they have hired child custody specialists in order to construct a joint parenting plan. This will ease the process and stress, allowing them to dissolve their marriage in a relatively brief amount of time.
At this time, both parents have agreed to joint legal and physical custody of their four minor children and are waiting for the court’s approval of their agreement. They have also agreed to pay their own legal fees incurred during the process. Surprisingly, the couple has managed to keep their private lives exclusive, while simultaneously reaching an amicable decision for their future, despite West being notorious for creating large public distubances.
This could all be, in part, due to Kardashian’s counsel, Laura Wasser, who has represented many high-profile clients during their divorces. Wasser’s clientele has ranged from Angelina Jolie to Ryan Reynolds and includes many more high-profiled Hollywood actors. However, Wasser’s tactics are not typical of Hollywood lawyers.
While Wasser is known as “the divorce attorney to the stars,” she is no shark. On many occasions, she has been known to tell clients ahead of time “once they begin to fight, everyone loses.” Whenever possible, she advocates for private and respectful divorces outside of the courtroom and believes the collaborative process allows this to happen.
In fact, Laura wrote a testimonial for Joryn’s second book about the collaborative process, found on the back of that book:
Joryn Jenkins’ I Never Saw My Father Again makes clear that individuals destined for dissolution can be masters of their own destiny by using modern resolution tools to stay out of the courtroom. Family law practitioners and parents alike have a responsibility to children to settle issues and avoid the emotional and financial devastation of litigation. There is a new way of getting through this process. Jenkins’ book helps explain why and how the evolution is necessary for our generation.
Here at Open Palm Law, we believe in and practice the same way as Wasser. Divorces should not destroy families and collaboration should be encouraged. We will advocate for your private and respectful divorce outside of the courtroom. Before you begin drowning in litigation, reach out to Joryn Jenkins at Joryn@OpenPalmLaw.com or find her at Open Palm Law, where we are changing the way the world gets divorced!
Learn more about collaborative divorce. Follow Open Palm Law.
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About this week’s author, Joryn Jenkins.
Joryn, attorney and Open Palm Founder, began her own firm here in Tampa after a 14-year career in law, two of which she served as a professor of law at Stetson University. She is a recipient of the prestigious A. Sherman Christensen Award, an honor bestowed in the United States Supreme Court upon those who have provided exceptional leadership in the American Inns of Court Movement. For more information on Joryn’s professional experience, take a look at her resume.