How to Sign Your Next Collaborative Client

By Joryn Jenkins

I will help you sign your next collaborative divorce client.

Why will I do that? Because 10 years ago I decided to change the way the world gets divorced, and I can’t do it alone, without help from you and other collaborative professionals.

I believe in creating systems. Why? Because they simplify my life; they are the essential building blocks for growing your practice. Implementing systems and processes in your business will ensure both efficiency and accuracy.

Thus, over the last 10 years, I created a system to generate courtless clients for my practice. Then I refined the system so that other collaborative professionals can use it to generate clients, too. I designed it to walk you, my fellow collaborative professional, through each step to building your practice, signing the clients you want, and creating a steady stream of referrals.

I’m so sure it will work for you that I will give you a money-back guarantee. Follow my program and, if you don’t generate more in fees than the amount you paid for it, I’ll refund your money. In fact, I’m so committed to your success, I’ll even let you pay for the program over time.

Here’s why. Carol Hughes, Ph.D., LMFT, co-author of Home Will Never Be the Same Again: A Guide for Adult Children of Gray Divorce, explains:

As a mental health professional, I’ve already seen positive results from performing the Weekly Steps you include in your Marketing Toolkit! First, I wrote my book with my co-author, Bruce Fredenburg. Since then, I’ve had three blog posts published on my Psychology Today guest blog page, a huge win for me, and a fourth one in the works. And I now have written a number of other blogs that have been published in various online publications. All because I followed your marketing plan and the Weekly Steps. Success!

If you would like to know what I’ve learned over the last 40 years in my legal practice, what worked (and what didn’t), then my Collaborative Toolkit is perfect for you. Click here for more info and to set up a call to get you started on the next level of your success.

When I decided to shift my law firm to courtless practice, I realized that I would need to take my marketing to the next level. Over the last 10 years, I’ve fine-tuned this system and made it easy to get the results that will generate more and happier clients.

So what do my clients say about my practice now?

Kelly – second to NONE!

Simply stated, Joryn Jenkins is the best family law attorney in the entire Tampa Bay area. She represented me with my divorce and … [h]er honesty, integrity and trustworthiness are second to none. She TRULY CARES about her clients and the numerous referrals I have sent her have all been extremely pleased. You will not only respect her brilliance when it comes to the law but will most likely just absolutely adore her as a person, like I do! 🙂

Darcy – Collaborative Client

I was completely shell-shocked when, after 25 years of marriage, my husband wanted a divorce. I was numb, and “didn’t know what I didn’t know” about how to proceed. When I first met with Joryn (before even hiring her), she was exceptionally kind, compassionate, and concerned. Joryn was adamant that I do my homework and assess other lawyers before hiring her. I respected that advice immensely. Ultimately, my former husband and I decided to participate in Collaborative Divorce – which was new to us both. … One of the key features of this process was the subtle (and not so subtle) negotiation that took place between parties. I believe my former husband and I cultivated an amicable relationship and reached a positive outcome (amidst the heart wrenching divorce) largely due to the collaborative efforts of our team. I am grateful to them all.

Aaron – Awesome lawyer

I met with Joryn the day before trial. Joryn prepared me very well; we went over the sequence of events, what I should expect after I get in court, how I can use certain evidence to my advantage, the rules of evidence, and general courtroom information. I have a hard time believing there is another lawyer out there that can do what she did prepping me in such a short amount of time. … Joryn is not your typical lawyer, she genuinely cares for her clients and can identify with what you are going through. Divorce is a very emotional and challenging time in your life; it’s not something anyone ever wants to go through. But if it comes down to it, I would prefer to have the best in my corner looking out for me, and that is what I found in her.

After seeing the value my clients received in their divorces, I decided to “Change the Way the World gets Divorced.” I could not do alone, so I took all the best I had learned over the last 40 plus years and created my Collaborative Marketing Toolkit. Partner with me to change the way the world gets divorced. Refer to this email when you contact my assistant, Austin, to start your year-long journey, and he’ll provide you a coupon code for a $1,000 discount!

Assume your role as a Collaborative Champion today! And for more on how to profitably market your practice, reach out to me at or find me at Your Collaborative Marketing Coach, because your marketing is my marketing! Let’s change the way the world gets divorced, together!

Joryn, attorney and Open Palm Founder, began her own firm here in Tampa after a 14-year career in law, 2 of which she served as a professor of law at Stetson University. She is a recipient of the prestigious A. Sherman Christensen Award, an honor bestowed upon those who have provided exceptional leadership to The American Inns of Court Movement. For more information on Joryn’s professional experience, take a look at her resume.

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