Marketing Your Collaborative Practice

Accredited Collaborative Professional-FACP Logo

Collaborative Marketing Toolkit: Phase Four Course

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You’re a quarter of the way through the year that will change your life and your business forever! 

Before you jump into your second quarter, review the steps from your first quarter to verify that you have missed none. Catch up now; you must build a foundation for marketing your collaborative practice that is set in stone in order to maximize your results. If you have any questions along the way, be sure to send those via the contact form below!  

Ingraining new habits and routines in your collaborative practice is critical to this new marketing regimen. Certain tasks must be repeated regularly. Do not neglect them. How’s your journal of checklists looking? Have you missed any of the tasks you set for yourself? Did you skip any? If so, make sure to get those chores accomplished before moving on. 

Now that you’ve done that, let’s begin the next phase of the program and continue building your collaborative client base!