From Pro Bono to Profit
Would adopting the collaborative divorce concept as a positive alternative to the destruction wreaked in a traditional courtroom divorce empower your community? Do you seek practical advice on how to get such a project off the ground? Do you want on-the-ground counsel on how to manage such a project, from finding volunteers and staffing collaborative teams to scheduling collaborative meetings and debriefing clients? Are you looking for sample forms and documents as a real-world, hit-the-ground-running, head start for your own pro bono project? Whether you are new to collaborative practice or a seasoned veteran focused on bringing this divorce option into the public eye, this workshop will answer all of your questions about how to get your project up and running successfully, an invaluable tool in your peacemaking efforts, and it will teach you the skills you need to manage that project in such a way that you spread the word and change the way the world gets divorced!